21st Century Disciples is a group dedicated to following Jesus the Christ. Through proper study and interpretation of His Word (the Bible) and acting on what is learned. We aim to answer questions about God, Christianity and the Bible brought to us by all. Ultimately, we want to teach people what it means to follow Christ based on 21st century knowledge of science and ancient history. And while we may not be cutting edge, we do use 21st century technology to accomplish this. Click on the picture to the left (or above on mobile) to see links to our Facebook group, YouTube channel, and latest blogs.
Doubts Welcomed! is a ministry dedicated to answering your doubts, questions and concerns about the Bible and the God and religion it espouses. Click on the picture to the right (or below on mobile) to go to our website where you ask a question (or for prayer) and also watch videos we have already done. We answer with videos, unless the question is very personal in which case we answer through email.